Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examination
Credential Source Contact Information
- Source Company Name:
- Career and Technical Education Consortium of States (CTECS)
- Contact:
- Darren Morris
- Phone:
- 804.543.6094
- Email:
- Website:
Credential Contractor
- Credential Contractor:
- Same as source
- Contact:
- Same as source
- Phone:
- Same as source
- Email:
- Same as source
Test Administration
- Test Site:
- School: Online
- Paper & Pencil
- No
- Can the instructor take this test?:
- No
- Number of Test Items:
- 100
- Time Allowed (minutes):
One hour standard without extended time accommodation
- Passing Score (percent):
- Cost Per Test:
$7 pre-test; $10 post-test; $10 retakes
- Test Specifics:
- Additional information:
CTECS also offers full curriculum as a test prep and remediation tool. For instructional modules, go to: Additional WRS activities are offered through Virginia's CTE Resource Center. During the testing window (school year through July), students have the option to take one WRS Pre-Test and up to three chances (up to two retakes) to pass the WRS Post-Test. Students are also offered a digital badge upon passing the test, easily shared with employers and postsecondary opportunities, through Credly, our badging partner.
Possible Preparatory Courses
- Accounting
- Accounting, Advanced
- Advanced Drawing and Design
- Advertising Design I
- Advertising Design II
- Aerospace Engineering (PLTW)
- Aerospace Technology I
- Aerospace Technology II
- Agricultural Business Fundamentals I
- Agricultural Business Management III
- Agricultural Business Operations II
- Agricultural Education-Development
- Agricultural Education-Preparation
- Agricultural Fabrication & Emerging Technologies
- Agricultural Power Systems
- Agricultural Power Systems, Advanced
- Agricultural Production Technology
- Agricultural Structural Systems
- Air Force JROTC I
- Air Force JROTC II
- Air Force JROTC III
- Air Force JROTC IV
- Air Traffic Controller
- Aircraft Pilot Training I
- Aircraft Pilot Training II
- Animation and Digital Content Technology
- Applied Agricultural Concepts
- Architectural Drawing and Design
- Army JROTC I
- Audio Production and Recording I
- Audio Production and Recording II
- Automotive Technology I
- Automotive Technology I (MLR 3-Year Program)
- Automotive Technology II
- Automotive Technology III
- Aviation Maintenance Technology I
- Aviation Maintenance Technology II
- Aviation Operations Management
- Baking and Pastry Specialization
- Basic Small Engine Repair
- Beauty Salon Assistant
- Biological Applications in Agriculture
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Technician
- Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture
- Biotechnology Foundations in Agricultural and Environmental Science
- Biotechnology Foundations in Health and Medical Sciences
- Biotechnology Foundations in Technology Education
- Building Management I
- Building Management II
- Building Management III
- Building Trades I
- Building Trades II
- Business Individualized Program – Development
- Business Law
- Business Management
- Cabinetmaking I
- Cabinetmaking II
- Career Strategies
- Career, Community and Family Connections
- Carpentry I
- Carpentry II
- Carpentry III
- Catering/Banquet Specialization
- Child Development and Parenting
- Civil Engineering and Architecture (PLTW)
- Collision Repair Technology I
- Collision Repair Technology II
- Collision Repair Technology III
- Commercial Photography I
- Commercial Photography II
- Communication Systems
- Community Forestry and Tree Management
- Computer Information Systems
- Computer Information Systems, Advanced
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PLTW)
- Computer Network Software Operations
- Computer Network Software Operations, Advanced
- Computer Networking Hardware Operations I
- Computer Networking Hardware Operations II
- Computer Networking Hardware Operations III
- Computer Networking Hardware Operations IV
- Computer Systems Technology I
- Computer Systems Technology II
- Construction Technology
- Cosmetology I
- Cosmetology I (2-year Program)
- Cosmetology II
- Cosmetology II (2-year Program)
- Cosmetology III
- Criminal Justice I
- Criminal Justice II
- Culinary Arts I
- Culinary Arts II
- Cybersecurity Fundamentals
- Cybersecurity in Family and Consumer Sciences
- Cybersecurity in Family and Consumer Sciences, Advanced
- Cybersecurity in Food & Agriculture
- Cybersecurity in Food & Agriculture, Advanced
- Cybersecurity in Manufacturing
- Cybersecurity in Manufacturing, Advanced
- Cybersecurity in Marketing
- Cybersecurity in Marketing, Advanced
- Cybersecurity Network Systems
- Cybersecurity Operations
- Cybersecurity Operations, Advanced
- Cybersecurity Systems Technology
- Cybersecurity Systems Technology, Advanced
- Database Design and Management (Oracle)
- Database Design and Management with PL/SQL (Oracle)
- Dental Careers I
- Dental Careers II
- Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies
- Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies, Advanced
- Diesel Equipment Technology I
- Diesel Equipment Technology II
- Diesel Equipment Technology III
- Digital and Social Media Marketing
- Digital Applications
- Digital Electronics (PLTW)
- Digital Technology Foundations
- Drafting
- Drafting, Advanced
- Drafting: Architectural
- Drafting: Mechanical
- Early Childhood, Education, and Services I
- Early Childhood, Education, and Services II
- Ecology and Environmental Management
- Economics and Personal Finance
- Education for Employment I-Development
- Education for Employment I-Preparation
- Education for Employment II-Development
- Education for Employment II-Preparation
- Electricity I
- Electricity II
- Electricity III
- Electronics Systems I
- Electronics Systems II
- Electronics Systems III
- Electronics Technology
- Electronics/Industrial Robotics Technology
- Emergency Medical Responder
- Emergency Medical Technician I
- Emergency Medical Technician II
- Emergency Medical Technician III
- Emergency Medical Telecommunications
- Energy and Power
- Energy Demand: Sustainability and Efficiency
- Energy Source Life Cycle
- Energy Supply: Sustainability and Efficiency
- Energy Transmission and Distribution, Advanced
- Engineered Energy Systems
- Engineering Analysis and Applications II
- Engineering Concepts and Processes III
- Engineering Design and Development (PLTW)
- Engineering Drawing and Design
- Engineering Essentials (PLTW)
- Engineering Explorations I
- Engineering Practicum IV
- Engineering Studies
- Entertainment Design and Technology
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship, Advanced
- Equine Science
- Equine Science, Advanced
- Family and Consumer Sciences–Development
- Family and Consumer Sciences – Preparation
- Family and Human Services I
- Family and Human Services II
- Family Relations
- Fashion Careers I
- Fashion Careers II
- Fashion Marketing
- Fashion Marketing, Advanced
- Firefighting I
- Firefighting II
- Fisheries & Wildlife Management
- Floral Design I
- Floral Design II
- Floriculture
- Food Science and Dietetics
- Forensic Technology
- Forestry Management
- Forestry Management, Advanced
- Foundations of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
- Fundamentals of Power Generation
- Geospatial Technology I
- Geospatial Technology II
- Global Logistics and Enterprise Systems I
- Global Logistics and Enterprise Systems II
- GRADS – Family Focus
- GRADS – Work Focus
- Graphic Communications Systems
- Graphic Imaging Technology I
- Graphic Imaging Technology II
- Greenhouse Plant Production & Management
- Health Assisting Careers
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Information Security
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration I
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration II
- Home Health Aide
- Horticulture Science
- Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation I
- Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation II
- Human Body Systems (PLTW)
- IB Business Management
- IB Design Technology I
- IB Design Technology II
- IB Digital Society I
- Imaging Technology
- Independent Living
- Individual Development
- Industrial Maintenance Technology I
- Industrial Maintenance Technology II
- Industrial Robotics Technology
- Information Technology (IT) Fundamentals
- Interior Design I
- Interior Design II
- International Baccalaureate Personal and Professional Skills (PPS)
- Introduction to Animal Systems
- Introduction to Culinary Arts
- Introduction to Early Childhood Education
- Introduction to Energy Transmission and Distribution
- Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW)
- Introduction to Family and Human Services
- Introduction to Fashion Careers
- Introduction to Health and Medical Sciences
- Introduction to Interior Design
- Introduction to Mortuary Science
- Introduction to Natural Resources & Ecology Systems
- Introduction to Plant Systems
- Introduction to Power, Structural, and Technical Systems
- Introduction to Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
- Java Programming (Oracle)
- Landscaping I
- Landscaping II
- Leadership Development
- Legal Administration
- Life Planning
- Livestock Production Management
- Lodging Management
- Manufacturing Systems I
- Advanced Manufacturing Systems II
- Marine Corps JROTC I
- Marine Corps JROTC II
- Marine Corps JROTC III
- Marine Corps JROTC IV
- Marine Service Technology I
- Marine Service Technology II
- Marketing
- Marketing Exploration
- Marketing Management
- Masonry I
- Masonry II
- Masonry III
- Master Barber I
- Master Barber I (Two-year Program)
- Master Barber II
- Master Barber II (Two-year Program)
- Master Barber III
- Materials and Processes Technology
- Mechatronics I
- Mechatronics II
- Mechatronics III
- Medical Administration
- Medical Assistant I
- Medical Assistant II
- Medical Coding and Billing I
- Medical Coding and Billing II
- Medical Interventions (PLTW)
- Medical Laboratory Technology I
- Medical Laboratory Technology II
- Medical Terminology
- Mental Health Assisting Careers
- Modeling & Simulation Technology
- Motorsports Technology I
- Motorsports Technology II
- Motorsports Technology III
- Nail Technician I
- Nail Technician II
- Navy JROTC I
- Nurse Aide I
- Nurse Aide I Condensed
- Nurse Aide II
- Nurse Aide II Condensed
- Nutrition and Wellness
- Office Administration
- Office Specialist I-Preparation
- Office Specialist II-Preparation
- Office Specialist III-Preparation
- Operating the Farm Business
- Opportunities in Global Trade
- Opportunities in Global Trade, Advanced
- Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Systems Management
- Patient Care Technician
- Pharmacy Technician I
- Pharmacy Technician II
- Physical/Occupational Therapy I
- Physical/Occupational Therapy II
- Plumbing I
- Plumbing II
- Power & Transportation
- Power Generation Design and Function
- Practical Nursing III
- Precision Machining Technology I
- Precision Machining Technology II
- Principles of Business and Marketing
- Principles of Engineering (PLTW)
- Principles of Technology I
- Principles of Technology II
- Principles of the Biomedical Sciences (PLTW)
- Production Systems
- Programming
- Programming, Advanced
- Public Safety I
- Public Safety II
- Quantity Food Specialization
- Radio Communications I
- Radio Communications II
- Radiologic Technology I
- Radiologic Technology II
- Real Estate
- Renewable Energy
- Respiratory Therapy I
- Respiratory Therapy II
- Restaurant Operation Specialization
- Sheet Metal I
- Sheet Metal II
- Small Animal Care I
- Small Animal Care II
- Small Engine Repair
- Small Engine Technology I
- Small Engine Technology II
- Software Engineering (PLTW)
- Software Engineering Essentials (PLTW)
- Sports and Entertainment Management
- Sports and Entertainment Marketing
- Sports Medicine/Athletic Training I
- Sports Medicine/Athletic Training I Condensed
- Sports Medicine/Athletic Training II
- Sports Medicine/Athletic Training II Condensed
- Sterile Processing Technician I
- Sterile Processing Technician II
- Strategic Marketing
- Surgical Technologist I
- Surgical Technologist II
- Sustainability and Renewable Technologies
- Technical Drawing and Design
- Technology Assessment
- Technology Education-Development
- Technology Education-Preparation
- Technology Foundations
- Technology of Robotic Design
- Technology Transfer
- Telecommunications I
- Telecommunications II
- Television and Media Production I
- Television and Media Production II
- Television and Media Production III
- Travel and Tourism Marketing
- Travel, Tourism, and Destination Marketing
- Turfgrass Management
- Turfgrass Management, Advanced
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Utility/Heavy Construction I
- Utility/Heavy Construction II
- Veterinary Science I
- Veterinary Science II
- Video and Media Technology
- Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow I
- Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow II
- Vision Care Technician I
- Vision Care Technician II
- Welding I
- Welding II
- Welding III
- Multiple test sessions:
- No
- Time of day
- Yes
- Order of tasks
- No
- Planned breaks during test
- No
- Is extended time an option for the test-taker?
- Yes
- Extended time offered
- 90 minutes beyond standard; 60 minutes for students identified as SWD or LEP.
- Test location
- Yes
- Adaptive or special furniture
- Yes
- Special lighting
- Yes
- Written directions accompanying oral directions
- Yes
- Specific verbal prompts
- No
- Visual aids
- No
- Amplification equipment
- Yes
- Headphones, earmuffs, or earplugs
- Yes
- Large-print test
- Yes
- Braille test
- No
- Read-aloud test
- Yes
- Audio test
- Yes
- Interpreting/transliterating testing directions
- No
- Interpreting/Transliterating the test
- No
- Enlarged copy of the answer document
- Yes
- Communication board or choice cards
- No
- Examiner records responses
- No
- Brailler
- No
- Word processor or word processor with speech-to-text
- No
- Augmentative communication device
- No
- Word prediction software
- No
- Spelling aids
- No
- English dictionary
- No
- Dictation using a recording device
- No
- Dictation to a scribe
- No
- Read back student response
- Yes
- Calculator and arithmetic tools
- Yes
- Calculator with additional functions
- No
- Math aids
- No
- Dry erase board
- No
- Additional writing implements
- No
- Audio test
- Yes
- Bilingual dictionary
- No
- Dictation to a scribe
- No
- English dictionary
- No
- Examiner records responses
- No
- Flexible Schedule
- Yes
- Is extended time an option for the test-taker?
- Yes
- Extended time offered
- 90 minutes additional (to standard 60 minutes) for students identified as SWD or LEP.
- Multiple test sessions
- No
- Read-aloud test
- Yes
- Test directions delivery
- Yes
- Visual aids
- No
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